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FLARES strives to be the leading establishment for early career real estate research professionals. Our mission is to develop the skills and relationships necessary for the next generation of real estate thought leaders in ARES and beyond. The core principles of service, research, and cooperation guide the organization in achieving its primary goals of leadership development, mentorship, and relationship building. These goals will be achieved through mentor relationships with the established leaders of ARES, guided forums for relationship development, and opportunities for service.

Connect with the FLARES group on LinkedIn, a place to connect with other early career academics, find new coauthors, and present research in progress. (click here)

Current Leadership Committee

Former Leadership

Andrew Mueller, Chair 2021
Institution: University of Denver
Position: Associate Professor, Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management
Areas of Interest: Regenerative development, urban economics
Current ARES Position: Editorial Board of Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
Kola Akinsomi, Chair 2020
Institution: University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Position: Associate Professor in Real Estate Finance and Investments
Current ARES Position: James R. Webb ARES Foundation Co-International Liaison

Founding Members

Pernille Christensen, Chair
Institution: University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
Position: Senior Lecturer & Course Director of Property Economics
Area of Interest: Sustainable development and the property development process.
Spenser Robinson, Vice-Chair
Institution:  Central Michigan University
Position: Director of Real Estate
Areas of Interest: Econometrics, real estate investment, sustainability
Jeremy Gabe, Committee Member
Institution: School of Commerce at the University of South Australia, Adelaide,
Position: Lecturer
Areas of Interest: Research methods, real estate valuation, sustainability
Drew Sanderford, Committee Member
Institution:  University of Arizona
Position: Assistant Professor



Our Mission

To research and promote education in real estate, improve communication and exchange of information in real estate and allied matters among college/university faculty and practicing professionals, and facilitate the association of academic, practicing professional, and research persons in the area of real estate.

Contact Us

American Real Estate Society
PO Box 500
Athens, OH 45701

T: 740-239-2737
F: 740-593-6768


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